Two Dimensional | Day & Night
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Day and Night

Day and Night

We specialize. We create art to intervene personally into perception of nature. It’s so important that our perception of nature becomes active, and we interact with nature through our brushes.
All the events created by the birds intertwine again into some whole order with the stellar order.
We post poles to receive and send currents. The sky’s activities seem organized into interactive selections.
The same fragment of a landscape at night and during the day has different levels of activities.
The bird on the ground looks and acts different in the sky performing different tasks and immersing itself into predisposed activities.
Separation is juxtaposed with interactivity with strong dependency. We observe the unity of coexistence and biologic activities in the sky.
And we perceive it all interactively through brushes, which capture, intertwine, and interfere. We make it whole, integrative and understandable through our research we constantly update and contrast. During the day we see the atmospheric part, while at night we observe it all that exists beyond it.